Picture for blogpost AWT Connectors: Unveiling the Best RF Connector for Your Application

SMA vs. 2.4mm

In the realm of radio frequency (RF) connectors, selecting the ideal option for your application is paramount. Among the popular choices, SMA (SubMiniature version A) and 2.4mm connectors hold significant positions. At American Wave Technology, we understand the importance of making informed decisions. This blog post will compare SMA and 2.4mm connectors, exploring their key features, performance attributes, and typical applications. It is important to mention that a precision adapter is required to mate with each other successfully. Discover how AWT Connectors can help you make the right choice and optimize your RF interconnect solutions.

1. Size and Frequency Range:

SMA connectors, known for their compact size, are widely employed in applications operating within the frequency range up to 18 GHz. They perfectly suit space-constrained devices and applications. Conversely, 2.4mm connectors, slightly larger in size, accommodate higher frequencies, typically up to 50 GHz. The enhanced dimensions of 2.4mm connectors enable superior electrical performance at higher frequencies, making them ideal for bandwidth-demanding applications seeking impeccable signal integrity.

2. Performance and Signal Integrity:

SMA connectors deliver outstanding electrical stability, durability, provide reliable signal transmission and minimal reflection, thanks to their excellent RF shielding. However, as frequency rises, SMA connectors might exhibit increased insertion loss and limited VSWR performance. On the other hand, 2.4mm connectors boast enhanced design and improved electrical characteristics, offering exceptional performance at higher frequencies. They ensure unparalleled signal integrity for demanding high-frequency applications with lower insertion loss, better VSWR, and improved phase stability.

3. Typical Applications:

SMA connectors from American Wave Technology find diverse applications across telecommunications, military and aerospace, test and measurement equipment, and wireless networks. Their compact size and reliable performance make them a go-to choice for various RF interconnect applications. Alternatively, 2.4mm connectors excel in high-frequency applications such as millimeter-wave testing, radar systems, satellite communications, and cutting-edge research and development projects requiring unmatched performance at higher frequencies.


Selecting the optimal RF connector, whether SMA or 2.4mm, necessitates considering your specific requirements, including frequency range, size constraints, and performance expectations. AWT provides compact yet reliable SMA connectors for applications up to 18 GHz, while 2.4mm connectors deliver exceptional performance at higher frequencies, albeit with a slightly larger form factor. By understanding these differences and partnering with American Wave Technology, you gain the insights and expertise to make the right decision, ensuring superior performance and reliability in your RF interconnects.

At AWT, we offer a wide selection of high-quality connectors, trust us to provide top-notch solutions for your RF systems, optimizing performance and durability. Make the smart choice and revolutionize your RF interconnect solutions today!!!